Interface CommandArgument<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The class type that the command argument will return.
All Superinterfaces:
ParseCommandArgument<T>, SuggestCommandArgument<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnyArgument, BlockGroupArgument, BlockPositionArgument, BlockTypeArgument, BlockTypesArgument, BooleanArgument, DoubleArgument, EnumArgument, ExactArgument, ExactPositionArgument, FlatRemainingArgument, FloatArgument, IdentifiableArgument, IntegerArgument, LivePlayerArgument, MappedArgumentWrapper, OptionalArgument, PermissionOrArgument, PositionArgument, RemainingArgument, SourceOrLivePlayerArgument, StringArgument, StringParserArgument, SuggestionArgument, UserArgument, Vector3Argument, Vector3DoubleArgument, Vector3IntegerArgument, WorldArgument

public interface CommandArgument<T> extends ParseCommandArgument<T>, SuggestCommandArgument<T>
A argument for ArgumentCommand. This is designed to parse the target string argument(s) into a single object for ease of use.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Gets the ID of the command argument. A command argument id needs to be unique within the command, the ID is what separates the arguments. There isn't a standard message structure, however by default the id will be what shows in the usage
      a string Id
    • getUsage

      default String getUsage()
      Gets the usage of the argument
      a string version of the usage of the argument