Method Summary
Gets the type of the entity
Methods inherited from interface org.core.entity.Entity
addPassengers, addPassengers, clearPassengers, createSnapshot, getAttachedTo, getCustomNameComponent, getFacingDirection, getPassengers, getPitch, getPosition, getRoll, getVelocity, getYaw, hasGravity, hasPassengers, isCustomNameVisible, isOnGround, isRemoved, removePassengers, removePassengers, setCustomName, setCustomName, setCustomNameVisible, setGravity, setPitch, setPosition, setPosition, setPosition, setPosition, setRoll, setVelocity, setVelocity, setYaw
Method Details
Description copied from interface: Entity
Gets the type of the entity
- Specified by:
in interface Entity<E extends Entity<?>>
- Returns:
- The Entity Type